Honest Products
Transparency is very important to us. We want to avoid any ambiguities about the quality or environmental friendliness of our products. That is why you can download a clear overview of all the ingredients used in our products on this page. The information you find in the document is based on the Cosmile Europe website.
On this website you can find all information about the ingredients of your cosmetic products. To save you some trouble, we have already created a list for you for each of our products.
The lists can be downloaded here in PDF format. You can find an explanation of the ingredients for each product.

The Shampoo

Our shampoo is a gentle shampoo that is very good for your hair and scalp. Because it is sulfate-free, the shampoo does not foam as you are used to from 'normal' shampoos. This also ensures that the healthy fats on your scalp are not washed away, which makes for a healthier scalp, but can cause an adjustment period. So your hair may even feel a little greasy during the first few washes. After about four washes, your scalp will get used to not having all the oils aggressively scrubbed away and this 'greasy' hair feeling will go away.
No sulphates and aggressive cleaning agents also ensure that this shampoo can be used perfectly on dyed hair.
Our adult and children's shampoo is pretty much the same. The scent is an important difference, we have chosen a slightly softer scent for children's noses. Another difference is that the children's shampoo does not contain eugenol. This is a substance that is not harmful to adults, but can sometimes cause a reaction to the slightly more sensitive children's skin. We prefer not to take risks.
Our shampoo is compatible with every type of hair. Because it is such a gentle shampoo, it can also be used on dyed hair. However, we definitely recommend using the shampoo in combination with the conditioner when you have a more dry hairtype. If not, this will not be necessary.
We do not participate in Greenwashing!
Greenwashing is a marketing strategy in which the company or organization pretends to be greener than it actually is. Anna Organic absolutely does not want to participate in this. For this reason, our products are not biologically certified. We believe that biological production of ingredients is not always better for the environment and we would therefore like to emphasize good, consciously chosen ingredients and packaging, regardless of whether they have the 'organic' sticker or not. What we do pay great attention to is that the production of the ingredients used in our products certainly does not damage the environment and is of course not harmful itself. For us this is more important than a bio-certificate. The 'Organic' in the name Anna Organic stands for natural, i.e. 'of natural origin'. Anna Organic's products are 97.23% of natural origin and the remaining 2.77% are of synthetic origin, but with an eye to the environment and health.
Sustainable Packaging
Aluminum is a very sustainable raw material and can also be recycled very well. In addition, it was important to us that the environment was also taken into account during the production of the packaging. The aluminum bottles and jars are produced in Europe with partly recycled aluminum. 'New' aluminum is also used to guarantee the quality of the bottles and jars. In addition, the packaging manufacturer also actively works on reforestation.
The pumps come from the Netherlands, and although this company is certainly concerned about the environment, they are not made from recycled plastic. We chose this for quality reasons to keep the use of the pumps as good and user-friendly as possible. The intention is that they last a long time and, when no longer in use, are sorted with the plastic waste.
The labels are made from FSC-certified materials. This means that the materials are extracted from responsible wood production.